Config file

Config = {}

Config.Debug = false -- May print some debug messages in the console

Config.DeleteVehicleOnPlayerLeave = true -- If true, it'll delete the vehicle when the player leaves the server and has the menu open

Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de / es

Config.EventPrefix = 'okokTuning'

Config.UISounds = true -- Enable/Disable UI Sounds

Config.Currency = {
      -- Menu Currency, Supports ISO codes only
      locale = 'en-US', --
      currency = 'USD', --

Config.SocietyPay = true                -- If true, it'll use the society money to pay the bills

Config.UseMoneyAccount = "bank"         -- What account to use when paying bills

Config.OpenAnywhere = false             -- If true, you can open the menu anywhere (use event 'okokTuning:openTuningMenu')
Config.AllowTuneWhenDamaged = true      -- If true, it'll allow you to tune the vehicle even if it's damaged
Config.RepairMenu = true                -- If true, it'll use the repair menu
Config.RepairCommand = 'trepair'        -- Repair command | Ace Permission:
Config.AdminCommand = 'tuning'          -- Admin command to open the menu | Ace Permission: okokTuning.admin
Config.VehicleStatsCommand = 'vehstats' -- Vehicle stats command (vehicle model, engine, transmission, etc)

Config.JobsThatCanUseRepairCommand = {  -- Jobs that can use the repair command

Config.AddonAccount = true        -- If set to true it will use the qb-management resource, if set to false it will use the okokBanking database tables

Config.UseOkOkTextUI = true       -- If true, you need to have okokTextUI installed and configured.
Config.UseOkokNotify = true       -- If true, you need to have okokNotify installed and configured.
Config.UseOkokBanking = true      -- If true, you need to have okokBanking installed and configured.
Config.SocietyHasPrefix = false   -- If true, it'll use the society prefix for the transactions (society_job)
Config.UseOkokVehicleShop = false -- If true, it'll use the price of the vehicles in okokVehicleShop.

Config.PricingMethod = "fixed"             -- "fixed" = Fixed price per category | "percentage" = Percentage of the base price
Config.PricingPercentage = 0.05            -- Decimal Percentage of the Vehicles Price Impact on the Option price

Config.RepairPrice = 500.0                 -- Price to repair the vehicle
Config.RepairPriceDependsOnDamage = true   -- If true, RepairPrice will be the max price depending on the damage.

Config.ShowRecommendedInvoicePrice = false -- If true, it'll show the recommended invoice price
Config.PercentageAbovePrice = 50           -- Percentage above the price to show as recommended

Config.RemovableMods = { --[[ Remove Mods, if true, the mod will be removed from the vehicle. ]]
      BulletProofTires = false,

Config.OpenMenuKey = 38 -- E
Config.FreecamKey = "q"

Config.UseInspectCameras = true    -- If true, you can inspect the vehicle with the cameras
Config.CameraTransitionTime = 0.75 -- Time in seconds to change the camera

Config.InspectVehicleCameras = {
      ['cars'] = {
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'wheel_lr',      displayName = 'Left Wheel',         cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, -1.2, 0.0),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'wheels'} },
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'window_rf',     displayName = 'Right Window',       cameraOffset = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modWindows', 'windowTint'} },
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'headlight_l',   displayName = 'Headlight',          cameraOffset = vector3(-1.0, 2.0, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modArchCover', 'modAerials'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'wheel_lf',      displayName = 'Left Bumper',        cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, 1.0, 1.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modFender'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'exhaust',       displayName = 'Exhaust',            cameraOffset = vector3(-0.5, -2.0, 0.0),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'modExhaust'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen_r',  displayName = 'Back Window',        cameraOffset = vector3(-1.0, -3.5, 1.5),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSpoilers'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen_r',  displayName = 'Roll Cage',          cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 1.8, 0.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modFrame'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen',    displayName = 'Interior',           cameraOffset = vector3(0.2, -1.0, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'interior', 'dashboard', 'modDashboard'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen',    displayName = 'Hood',               cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 3.0, 1.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modHood'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen',    displayName = 'Motor Changes',      cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 3.0, 1.0),    openDoors = {4},              mods = {'modEngineBlock', 'modAirFilter', 'modStruts'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'windscreen',    displayName = 'Seats',              cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.2),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSeats'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'dials',         displayName = 'Colors',             cameraOffset = vector3(-3.0, 5.0, 2.5),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'respray', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor', 'pearlescent', 'modLivery'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'neon_l',        displayName = 'Side skirt',         cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, -1.0, 0.3),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSideSkirt'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'neon_f',        displayName = 'Vehicle Front',      cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 2.0, 1.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modGrille', 'FrontNeon', 'modFrontBumper', 'modXenon', 'modVanityPlate'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'neon_b',        displayName = 'Vehicle Back',       cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, -2.0, 1.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'plateIndex', 'BackNeon', 'modRearBumper'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'neon_r',        displayName = 'Right Neon',         cameraOffset = vector3(2.0, 0.0, 1.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'RightNeon'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'neon_l',        displayName = 'Left Neon',          cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, 0.0, 1.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'LeftNeon'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'interiorlight', displayName = 'Vehicle Roof',       cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 2.0, 1.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modRoof', 'modTrimB', 'modTrimA'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'dashglow',      displayName = 'Steering wheel',     cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, -0.5, -0.1),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSteeringWheel'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'door_pside_f',  displayName = 'Interior Door',      cameraOffset = vector3(-1.0, -1.0, 0.2),  openDoors = {--[[ 0, 1 ]]},   mods = {'modDoorSpeaker'} },
      ['motorcycles'] = {
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'wheel_lr',      displayName = 'Rear Wheel',         cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, -1.0, 0.0),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'backWheel', 'wheels'} },
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'wheel_lf',      displayName = 'Front Wheel',        cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, 1.0, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'frontWheel'} },
            { showButton = true,    bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Engine',             cameraOffset = vector3(-1.0, 0.5, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modEngineBlock', 'modAirFilter'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'wheel_lf',      displayName = 'Front Bumper',       cameraOffset = vector3(-1.5, 0.0, 0.5),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modFrontBumper'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'wheel_lr',      displayName = 'Rear Bumper',        cameraOffset = vector3(-1.5, 0.0, 0.5),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modRearBumper'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Side Skirt',         cameraOffset = vector3(-1.5, 1.0, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSideSkirt'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'exhaust',       displayName = 'Exhaust',            cameraOffset = vector3(1.5, -1.0, 0.5),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modExhaust'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'taillight_r',   displayName = 'Plate',              cameraOffset = vector3(0.3, -1.5, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'plateIndex'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'taillight_l',   displayName = 'Plate',              cameraOffset = vector3(0.3, -1.5, 0.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'plateIndex'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'headlight_l',   displayName = 'Headlight',          cameraOffset = vector3(0.0, 2.0, 0.0),    openDoors = {},               mods = {'modXenon'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Colors',             cameraOffset = vector3(-3.0, 3.0, 1.5),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'respray', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor', 'pearlescent', 'modLivery'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Whole Bike',         cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, 1.0, 1.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modAerials', 'modTrimB', 'modRoof', 'modFrame', 'modHood', 'modFender', 'modRightFender', 'modTank'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Seat',               cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0),  openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSeats'} },
            { showButton = false,   bone = 'engine',        displayName = 'Spoilers',           cameraOffset = vector3(-2.0, 2.0, 1.0),   openDoors = {},               mods = {'modSpoilers'} },

      Inspect Vehicle Cameras:

      Make sure you use the vehicle bones, some may not work

      List of mods:

      respray           -- color
      interior          -- color
      dashboard         -- color
      pearlescent       -- color


-- job = Only players with job (Config.JobNames) can access,
-- selfservice = Everyone can access,
Config.Zones = {
            name        = "Mechanic",
            jobs        = { "mechanic" },
            coords      = vector3(246.4, -792.01, 30.44),
            size        = vector3(5, 5, 5),
            rotation    = 70,
            type        = "job",
            debug       = false,
            blipIcon    = 72,
            blipColor   = 3,
            blipDisplay = 4,
            blipScale   = 0.7,
            blipEnabled = true,
            premium     = 0, -- 0 premium price for job zones
            isFree      = false,
            hideMods = {
                  --["modEngine"] = true,
                  --["modLivery"] = true
            name        = "Auto Tuning",
            coords      = vector3(239.73, -808.61, 30.28),
            size        = vector3(5, 5, 5),
            rotation    = 70,
            type        = "selfservice",
            debug       = false,
            blipIcon    = 72,
            blipColor   = 5,
            blipDisplay = 4,
            blipScale   = 0.7,
            blipEnabled = true,
            premium     = 10, -- 10% premium price for selfservice zones (more expensive)
            isFree      = false,
            hideMods = {}
            name        = "Auto Tuning",
            coords      = vector3(-338.67, -136.94, 38.3),
            size        = vector3(5, 5, 5),
            rotation    = 70,
            type        = "selfservice",
            debug       = false,
            blipIcon    = 72,
            blipColor   = 5,
            blipDisplay = 4,
            blipScale   = 0.7,
            blipEnabled = true,
            premium     = 10,
            isFree      = false,
            hideMods = {}
            name        = "Auto Tuning",
            coords      = vector3(-211.97, -1324.18, 30.89),
            size        = vector3(5, 5, 5),
            rotation    = 70,
            type        = "selfservice",
            debug       = false,
            blipIcon    = 72,
            blipColor   = 5,
            blipDisplay = 4,
            blipScale   = 0.7,
            blipEnabled = true,
            premium     = 10,
            isFree      = false,
            hideMods = {}

Config.TurboEnabled = true -- Enable or Disable Turbo mod

Config.VehicleCustomization = {
      upgrades = {
                  category = Locale("EngineUpgrade"),
                  id = 11,
                  mod = "modEngine",
                  img = 'img/upgrades/engine.svg',
                  basePrice = 3000
                  category = Locale("TransmissionUpgrade"),
                  id = 13,
                  mod = "modTransmission",
                  img =
                  basePrice = 1000
                  category = Locale("SuspensionUpgrade"),
                  id = 15,
                  mod = "modSuspension",
                  img =
                  basePrice = 6000
                  category = Locale("BrakesUpgrade"),
                  id = 12,
                  mod = "modBrakes",
                  img = 'img/upgrades/brakes.svg',
                  basePrice = 240
                  category = Locale("ArmorUpgrade"),
                  id = 16,
                  mod = "modArmor",
                  img = "img/upgrades/armor.svg",
                  basePrice = 3300
      cosmetics = {
                  category = Locale('Spoiler'),
                  id = 0,
                  mod = "modSpoilers",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/spoiler.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("FrontBumper"),
                  id = 1,
                  mod = "modFrontBumper",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/frontbumper.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("RearBumper"),
                  id = 2,
                  mod = "modRearBumper",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/rearbumper.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("SideSkirt"),
                  id = 3,
                  mod = "modSideSkirt",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Exhaust"),
                  id = 4,
                  mod = "modExhaust",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/exhaust.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("RollCage"),
                  id = 5,
                  mod = "modFrame",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Grille"),
                  id = 6,
                  mod = "modGrille",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/grille.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Hood"),
                  id = 7,
                  mod = "modHood",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/hood.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("LeftFender"),
                  id = 8,
                  mod = "modFender",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/leftfender.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("RightFender"),
                  id = 9,
                  mod = "modRightFender",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/rightfender.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Roof"),
                  id = 10,
                  mod = "modRoof",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("VanityPlates"),
                  id = 25,
                  mod = "modVanityPlate",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("TrimA"),
                  id = 27,
                  mod = "modTrimA",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Ornaments"),
                  id = 28,
                  mod = "modOrnaments",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Dashboard"),
                  id = 29,
                  mod = "modDashboard",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Dial"),
                  id = 30,
                  mod = "modDial",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("DoorSpeaker"),
                  id = 31,
                  mod = "modDoorSpeaker",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Seats"),
                  id = 32,
                  mod = "modSeats",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/seats.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("SteeringWheel"),
                  id = 33,
                  mod = "modSteeringWheel",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/steeringwheel.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("ShifterLeaver"),
                  id = 34,
                  mod = "modShifterLeavers",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Plaque"),
                  id = 35,
                  mod = "modAPlate",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/plate.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Speaker"),
                  id = 36,
                  mod = "modSpeakers",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/speaker.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Trunk"),
                  id = 37,
                  mod = "modTrunk",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/trunk.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Hydraulic"),
                  id = 38,
                  mod = "modHydrolic",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("EngineBlock"),
                  id = 39,
                  mod = "modEngineBlock",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("AirFilter"),
                  id = 40,
                  mod = "modAirFilter",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/airfilter.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Strut"),
                  id = 41,
                  mod = "modStruts",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("ArchCover"),
                  id = 42,
                  mod = "modArchCover",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Aerial"),
                  id = 43,
                  mod = "modAerials",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("TrimB"),
                  id = 44,
                  mod = "modTrimB",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("FuelTank"),
                  id = 45,
                  mod = "modTank",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/car.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Window"),
                  id = 46,
                  mod = "modWindows",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/window.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Livery"),
                  id = 48,
                  mod = "modLivery",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/livery.svg',
                  basePrice = 2000
                  category = Locale("Horns"),
                  id = 14,
                  mod = "modHorns",
                  img = 'img/cosmetics/horns.svg',
                  basePrice = 300

Config.ExtraStuff = {
      Paints = {
            [0] = {
                  id = 0,
                  label = Locale('Normal'),
                  price = 2000,
            [1] = {
                  id = 1,
                  label = Locale('Metallic'),
                  price = 3000,
            [2] = {
                  id = 2,
                  label = Locale('Pearl'),
                  price = 4000,
            [3] = {
                  id = 3,
                  label = Locale("Matte"),
                  price = 5000,
            [4] = {
                  id = 4,
                  label = Locale("Metal"),
                  price = 6000,
            [5] = {
                  id = 5,
                  label = Locale("Chrome"),
                  price = 7000,

      OtherPaints = {
            pearlescent = {
                  prices = {
                        classic = 1000,
                        metallic = 2000,
                        matte = 3000,
                        metals = 4000,
            dashboard = {
                  prices = {
                        classic = 5000,
                        metallic = 6000,
                        matte = 7000,
                        metals = 8000,
            interior = {
                  prices = {
                        classic = 9000,
                        metallic = 10000,
                        matte = 11000,
                        metals = 12000,
            wheels = {
                  prices = {
                        classic = 13000,
                        metallic = 14000,
                        matte = 15000,
                        metals = 16000,

      Plates = {
            { name = Locale("BlueOnWhite1"),  id = 0, price = 150 },
            { name = Locale("BlueOnWhite2"),  id = 3, price = 150 },
            { name = Locale("BlueOnWhite3"),  id = 4, price = 150 },
            { name = Locale("YellowOnBlue"),  id = 2, price = 150 },
            { name = Locale("YellowOnBlack"), id = 1, price = 150 },
            { name = Locale("Yankton"),       id = 5, price = 150 },

      WindowTintOptions = {
            { name = Locale("None"),       id = 0, price = 0 },
            { name = Locale("LightSmoke"), id = 3, price = 1000 },
            { name = Locale("DarkSmoke"),  id = 2, price = 2000 },
            { name = Locale("PureBlack"),  id = 1, price = 3000 },

      ColorPickerPrices = {
            BodyPaint = 1000,
            Xenons = 1000,
            NeonColor = 400,
            TyreSmokeColor = 300

      modTurbo = 2000,
      XenonPrice = 2000,
      NeonLightsPrice = 500,

      WheelsPrice = {
            [0] = {
                  label = Locale("Sport"),
                  price = 1000
            [1] = {
                  label = Locale("Muscle"),
                  price = 2000
            [2] = {
                  label = Locale("Lowrider"),
                  price = 3000
            [3] = {
                  label = Locale("SUV"),
                  price = 4000
            [4] = {
                  label = Locale("Offroad"),
                  price = 5000
            [5] = {
                  label = Locale("Tuner"),
                  price = 1000
            [6] = {
                  label = Locale("Motorcycle"),
                  price = 1000
            [7] = {
                  label = Locale("Highend"),
                  price = 1000
            [8] = {
                  label = Locale("BennysWheel"),
                  price = 1000
            [9] = {
                  label = Locale("BespokeWheel"),
                  price = 1000
            [10] = {
                  label = Locale("Dragster"),
                  price = 1000
            [11] = {
                  label = Locale("Street"),
                  price = 1000
            [12] = {
                  label = Locale("Rally"),
                  price = 1000

      CustomTiresPrice = 1000,
      BulletProofTyresPrice = 6000,
      TyreSmokePrice = 1000,

      Extras = {
            price = 1000,

      images = {
            turbo = 'img/upgrades/turbo.svg',
            respray = 'img/cosmetics/respray.svg',
            xenons = 'img/cosmetics/xenon.svg',
            extras = 'img/cosmetics/plus.svg',
            neons = 'img/cosmetics/neons.svg',
            window = 'img/cosmetics/window.svg',
            plates = 'img/cosmetics/plate.svg',
            wheels = 'img/cosmetics/tyres.svg',
      RoofLiveries = {
            label = Locale('RoofLiveries'),
            basePrice = 1000,
            img = 'img/cosmetics/livery.svg',

Config.HornPreviewDuration = 2500

Config.Horns = {
      { name = "Truck Horn",             id = 0 },
      { name = "Cop Horn",               id = 1 },
      { name = "Clown Horn",             id = 2 },
      { name = "Musical Horn 1",         id = 3 },
      { name = "Musical Horn 2",         id = 4 },
      { name = "Musical Horn 3",         id = 5 },
      { name = "Musical Horn 4",         id = 6 },
      { name = "Musical Horn 5",         id = 7 },
      { name = "Sad Trombone",           id = 8 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 1",       id = 9 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 2",       id = 10 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 3",       id = 11 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 4",       id = 12 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 5",       id = 13 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 6",       id = 14 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 7",       id = 15 },
      { name = "Scale - Do",             id = 16 },
      { name = "Scale - Re",             id = 17 },
      { name = "Scale - Mi",             id = 18 },
      { name = "Scale - Fa",             id = 19 },
      { name = "Scale - Sol",            id = 20 },
      { name = "Scale - La",             id = 21 },
      { name = "Scale - Ti",             id = 22 },
      { name = "Scale - Do",             id = 23 },
      { name = "Jazz Horn 1",            id = 24 },
      { name = "Jazz Horn 2",            id = 25 },
      { name = "Jazz Horn 3",            id = 26 },
      { name = "Jazz Horn Loop",         id = 27 },
      { name = "Star Spangled Banner 1", id = 28 },
      { name = "Star Spangled Banner 2", id = 29 },
      { name = "Star Spangled Banner 3", id = 30 },
      { name = "Star Spangled Banner 4", id = 31 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 8 Loop",  id = 32 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 9 Loop",  id = 33 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 10 Loop", id = 34 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 8",       id = 35 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 9",       id = 36 },
      { name = "Classical Horn 10",      id = 37 },
      { name = "Funeral Loop",           id = 38 },
      { name = "Funeral",                id = 39 },
      { name = "Spooky Loop",            id = 40 },
      { name = "Spooky",                 id = 41 },
      { name = "San Andreas Loop",       id = 42 },
      { name = "San Andreas",            id = 43 },
      { name = "Liberty City Loop",      id = 44 },
      { name = "Liberty City",           id = 45 },
      { name = "Festive 1 Loop",         id = 46 },
      { name = "Festive 1",              id = 47 },
      { name = "Festive 2 Loop",         id = 48 },
      { name = "Festive 2",              id = 49 },
      { name = "Festive 3 Loop",         id = 50 },
      { name = "Festive 3",              id = 51 }

Config.GtaColors = {
            category = "classic",
            label = Locale("Classic"),
            id = 0,
            colors = {
                  { name = "Black",            id = 0 },
                  { name = "Carbon Black",     id = 147 },
                  { name = "Graphite",         id = 1 },
                  { name = "Anhracite Black",  id = 11 },
                  { name = "Black Steel",      id = 11 },
                  { name = "Dark Steel",       id = 3 },
                  { name = "Silver",           id = 4 },
                  { name = "Bluish Silver",    id = 5 },
                  { name = "Rolled Steel",     id = 6 },
                  { name = "Shadow Silver",    id = 7 },
                  { name = "Stone Silver",     id = 8 },
                  { name = "Midnight Silver",  id = 9 },
                  { name = "Cast Iron Silver", id = 10 },
                  { name = "Red",              id = 27 },
                  { name = "Torino Red",       id = 28 },
                  { name = "Formula Red",      id = 29 },
                  { name = "Lava Red",         id = 150 },
                  { name = "Blaze Red",        id = 30 },
                  { name = "Grace Red",        id = 31 },
                  { name = "Garnet Red",       id = 32 },
                  { name = "Sunset Red",       id = 33 },
                  { name = "Cabernet Red",     id = 34 },
                  { name = "Wine Red",         id = 143 },
                  { name = "Candy Red",        id = 35 },
                  { name = "Hot Pink",         id = 135 },
                  { name = "Pfsiter Pink",     id = 137 },
                  { name = "Salmon Pink",      id = 136 },
                  { name = "Sunrise Orange",   id = 36 },
                  { name = "Orange",           id = 38 },
                  { name = "Bright Orange",    id = 138 },
                  { name = "Gold",             id = 99 },
                  { name = "Bronze",           id = 90 },
                  { name = "Yellow",           id = 88 },
                  { name = "Race Yellow",      id = 89 },
                  { name = "Dew Yellow",       id = 91 },
                  { name = "Dark Green",       id = 49 },
                  { name = "Racing Green",     id = 50 },
                  { name = "Sea Green",        id = 51 },
                  { name = "Olive Green",      id = 52 },
                  { name = "Bright Green",     id = 53 },
                  { name = "Gasoline Green",   id = 54 },
                  { name = "Lime Green",       id = 92 },
                  { name = "Midnight Blue",    id = 141 },
                  { name = "Galaxy Blue",      id = 61 },
                  { name = "Dark Blue",        id = 62 },
                  { name = "Saxon Blue",       id = 63 },
                  { name = "Blue",             id = 64 },
                  { name = "Mariner Blue",     id = 65 },
                  { name = "Harbor Blue",      id = 66 },
                  { name = "Diamond Blue",     id = 67 },
                  { name = "Surf Blue",        id = 68 },
                  { name = "Nautical Blue",    id = 69 },
                  { name = "Racing Blue",      id = 73 },
                  { name = "Ultra Blue",       id = 70 },
                  { name = "Light Blue",       id = 74 },
                  { name = "Chocolate Brown",  id = 96 },
                  { name = "Bison Brown",      id = 101 },
                  { name = "Creeen Brown",     id = 95 },
                  { name = "Feltzer Brown",    id = 94 },
                  { name = "Maple Brown",      id = 97 },
                  { name = "Beechwood Brown",  id = 103 },
                  { name = "Sienna Brown",     id = 104 },
                  { name = "Saddle Brown",     id = 98 },
                  { name = "Moss Brown",       id = 100 },
                  { name = "Woodbeech Brown",  id = 102 },
                  { name = "Straw Brown",      id = 99 },
                  { name = "Sandy Brown",      id = 105 },
                  { name = "Bleached Brown",   id = 106 },
                  { name = "Schafter Purple",  id = 71 },
                  { name = "Spinnaker Purple", id = 72 },
                  { name = "Midnight Purple",  id = 142 },
                  { name = "Bright Purple",    id = 145 },
                  { name = "Cream",            id = 107 },
                  { name = "Ice White",        id = 111 },
                  { name = "Frost White",      id = 112 }
            category = "metallic",
            label = Locale("Metallic"),
            id = 1,
            colors = { { name = "Black", id = 0 },
                  { name = "Carbon Black",     id = 147 },
                  { name = "Graphite",         id = 1 },
                  { name = "Anhracite Black",  id = 11 },
                  { name = "Black Steel",      id = 11 },
                  { name = "Dark Steel",       id = 3 },
                  { name = "Silver",           id = 4 },
                  { name = "Bluish Silver",    id = 5 },
                  { name = "Rolled Steel",     id = 6 },
                  { name = "Shadow Silver",    id = 7 },
                  { name = "Stone Silver",     id = 8 },
                  { name = "Midnight Silver",  id = 9 },
                  { name = "Cast Iron Silver", id = 10 },
                  { name = "Red",              id = 27 },
                  { name = "Torino Red",       id = 28 },
                  { name = "Formula Red",      id = 29 },
                  { name = "Lava Red",         id = 150 },
                  { name = "Blaze Red",        id = 30 },
                  { name = "Grace Red",        id = 31 },
                  { name = "Garnet Red",       id = 32 },
                  { name = "Sunset Red",       id = 33 },
                  { name = "Cabernet Red",     id = 34 },
                  { name = "Wine Red",         id = 143 },
                  { name = "Candy Red",        id = 35 },
                  { name = "Hot Pink",         id = 135 },
                  { name = "Pfsiter Pink",     id = 137 },
                  { name = "Salmon Pink",      id = 136 },
                  { name = "Sunrise Orange",   id = 36 },
                  { name = "Orange",           id = 38 },
                  { name = "Bright Orange",    id = 138 },
                  { name = "Gold",             id = 99 },
                  { name = "Bronze",           id = 90 },
                  { name = "Yellow",           id = 88 },
                  { name = "Race Yellow",      id = 89 },
                  { name = "Dew Yellow",       id = 91 },
                  { name = "Dark Green",       id = 49 },
                  { name = "Racing Green",     id = 50 },
                  { name = "Sea Green",        id = 51 },
                  { name = "Olive Green",      id = 52 },
                  { name = "Bright Green",     id = 53 },
                  { name = "Gasoline Green",   id = 54 },
                  { name = "Lime Green",       id = 92 },
                  { name = "Midnight Blue",    id = 141 },
                  { name = "Galaxy Blue",      id = 61 },
                  { name = "Dark Blue",        id = 62 },
                  { name = "Saxon Blue",       id = 63 },
                  { name = "Blue",             id = 64 },
                  { name = "Mariner Blue",     id = 65 },
                  { name = "Harbor Blue",      id = 66 },
                  { name = "Diamond Blue",     id = 67 },
                  { name = "Surf Blue",        id = 68 },
                  { name = "Nautical Blue",    id = 69 },
                  { name = "Racing Blue",      id = 73 },
                  { name = "Ultra Blue",       id = 70 },
                  { name = "Light Blue",       id = 74 },
                  { name = "Chocolate Brown",  id = 96 },
                  { name = "Bison Brown",      id = 101 },
                  { name = "Creeen Brown",     id = 95 },
                  { name = "Feltzer Brown",    id = 94 },
                  { name = "Maple Brown",      id = 97 },
                  { name = "Beechwood Brown",  id = 103 },
                  { name = "Sienna Brown",     id = 104 },
                  { name = "Saddle Brown",     id = 98 },
                  { name = "Moss Brown",       id = 100 },
                  { name = "Woodbeech Brown",  id = 102 },
                  { name = "Straw Brown",      id = 99 },
                  { name = "Sandy Brown",      id = 105 },
                  { name = "Bleached Brown",   id = 106 },
                  { name = "Schafter Purple",  id = 71 },
                  { name = "Spinnaker Purple", id = 72 },
                  { name = "Midnight Purple",  id = 142 },
                  { name = "Bright Purple",    id = 145 },
                  { name = "Cream",            id = 107 },
                  { name = "Ice White",        id = 111 },
                  { name = "Frost White",      id = 112 }
            category = "matte",
            label = Locale("Matte"),
            id = 2,
            colors = { { name = "Black", id = 12 },
                  { name = "Gray",            id = 13 },
                  { name = "Light Gray",      id = 14 },
                  { name = "Ice White",       id = 131 },
                  { name = "Blue",            id = 83 },
                  { name = "Dark Blue",       id = 82 },
                  { name = "Midnight Blue",   id = 84 },
                  { name = "Midnight Purple", id = 149 },
                  { name = "Schafter Purple", id = 148 },
                  { name = "Red",             id = 39 },
                  { name = "Dark Red",        id = 40 },
                  { name = "Orange",          id = 41 },
                  { name = "Yellow",          id = 42 },
                  { name = "Lime Green",      id = 55 },
                  { name = "Green",           id = 128 },
                  { name = "Forest Green",    id = 151 },
                  { name = "Foliage Green",   id = 155 },
                  { name = "Olive Darb",      id = 152 },
                  { name = "Dark Earth",      id = 153 },
                  { name = "Desert Tan",      id = 154 }
            category = "metals",
            label = Locale("Metals"),
            id = 3,
            colors = {
                  { name = "Brushed Steel",       id = 117 },
                  { name = "Brushed Black Steel", id = 118 },
                  { name = "Brushed Aluminium",   id = 119 },
                  { name = "Pure Gold",           id = 158 },
                  { name = "Brushed Gold",        id = 159 },
                  { name = "Chrome",              id = 120 }

-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS

-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to sv_utils.lua, line 3

Config.BotName = 'ServerName'       -- Write the desired bot name

Config.ServerName = 'ServerName'    -- Write your server's name

Config.IconURL = ''                 -- Insert your desired image link

Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -

-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -

Config.WebhookColor = '65352'

Last updated